Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting There, Part 1 - PDX to Anchorage

It finally happened. Mom and Dad drove me to the Portland airport, and we said our most heartfelt goodbyes. It's always strange when excitement and joy are accompanied by sadness, but such is life. I've been blessed to have such a wonderful family and such hilarious friends, but this is a journey I must take alone.

Alaska Airlines Terminal, Anchorage 1:30am
Now boarding seats one through two.
The flight from Portland to Anchorage lasted a little over three hours and went off without a hitch. Seated next to me was a special education teacher from Portland and her husband. They were really nice, and we yammered on about all kinds of teachery stuff. Even though they don't officially count, I still consider them my first Alaska friends.

My first 'authentic' Alaskan food (from Starbucks)
Sorry folks, no exotic stink flipper or muktuk on the menu here. While it's not quite subsistence living, it was the last sandwich in the cooler, and apparently the water is from Fiji. That's gotta count for something, right? Ok, signing off, about 4 more hours to get to know this terminal.

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