Friday, August 30, 2013

Check-in - Week 3

The new school being built.


Stray dogs and puppies everywhere.

Really cute, kinda sad.

Kids' favorite activities and Yupik names.

Adjusting class routines. 
Saturday food giveaway.

First time berry picking!

It's been a while, but as you can imagine, with the start of school things have been pretty busy. The first week was a huge learning experience. I had to make lots of little adjustments to class routines and rules. We're done with week 3 and I feel like my students and I have fallen into a nice groove. They're a great bunch of kids, full of energy, and enthusiastic about school. We've had up days and down, but for the most part we've developed a good relationship and I'm enjoying my time with them.

I've spent a lot of time with the other teachers and have had a few opportunities to meet some locals. Last Saturday, the school organized a food giveaway to the village. All the teachers helped out, and the locals came by on 4-wheelers to pick up food. The school cook, Randy, Alan, and I delivered food to village elders. The weather was perfect, everyone was in good spirits, and the families were very appreciative. Later that evening, a local couple, Steven and his wife Marry-Jane, invited us to go berry picking about a half-mile up river. It was my first Yupik experience and lots of fun. Steven even let me drive the boat back to the village! Great times.

Today was a great honor. The fifth-grade teacher, Maxine, decided to give me a Yupik name. She told me, "You're my brother." I asked, "How?" She replied, "We'll your people walked over here a long time ago!" How great is that?! My Yupik name in 'Ulapaq' (pronounced Ulapak) or 'Ulap' for short. Yupik names are given in memory of a villager who has passed away. My name comes from another Robert, who's Yupik name was Ulapaq. It is such a great honor to be given a Yupik name, especially considering how new to the village I am.

I'm really happy here. I'll keep you all posted!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Robert! This is so great to see your adventures. As a Native Alaskan I love to see your immersion into native culture.

    Keep up the good work.

    Dan Overbay
    WSU Vancouver.
