Sunday, August 11, 2013

Building a Classroom


My room is as ready as I could make it and all 23 kids arrive tomorrow. Our principal wants us to spend the first day on routines and ice-breakers, and I'm completely okay with that.

For individual student behavior I'm using a card system and free-time, and for whole group I'm using class points and we'll decide as a class what the reward will be for reaching 100 points. Someone left a bell in our apartment, so I thought it'd be fun to try it out in the classroom. If I get their attention in one ring, they get a point, two rings - no points, and three rings - they lose a point. It was a last minute idea, I'm interested to see how it works.

The administrators out here seem really relaxed. When I've brought any ideas to them, they've simply said, "Try it. If it doesn't work come talk to us." Couldn't ask for anything more! 

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