Wednesday, July 24, 2013

In the age of computers, a phone call can go a long way.

Once I decided I wanted to begin my teaching career a little bit off the beaten path, I filled out an application at I applied to rural schools all over Alaska and started making phone calls and leaving messages. About a week later I received a voice message from the vice superintendent of the Lower Kuskokwim School District. I immediately rushed to my computer to see where on earth the Lower Kuskokwim School District was. I was pleased to see it was below the Arctic Circle and not on an island! After a Skype interview with the vice superintendent and a phone interview with the principal at Chief Paul Memorial School in Kipnuk, I was offered a third grade teaching position. I would have never heard from them if I hadn’t made some phone calls and left messages. So to all you teachers/job hunters, remember to pick up a phone once in a while!  

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