Saturday, May 16, 2015

2015 Prom and Gradutation

Mr. Allen had a date this year!

2015 Year End Activities and Culture Week

With only TWO school days left I thought I should post now while I still have time! The last few weeks have flown by and given our kids a chance to do some really fun and creative activities. During 'Culture Week,' volunteers from all over the village came to school as teachers of traditional Yupik crafts. Boys were show how to make soap carvings (meant to represent walrus tusk carving), model boats, and steam bath dippers (used to pour water over the hot coals.) Meanwhile, girls learned beading, crochet.

Villagers also brought in crafts to display.

Third and fourth grade girls

Kindergarten and first grade

Third and fourth grade boys

High school boys made tractional style knives.

High school girls sewed their very own 'kuspuks' traditional Yupik style shirts.
To honor our elders, I led the third graders in the making of a model mud hut (the traditional style of Yupik housing.) Before we started the project we looked at pictures of villages in the Lower Kuskokwim area from as far back as 1930. The students were fascinated to see how much their region has changed, and what things remained the same. Each student used adjectives and drawings to explain what their village elders were like.

One of the pictures I showed my students. Bethel in the 1930s.

A Yupik mud house from the Lower Kuskokwim Area.

A modern Yupik mud house ;)
Students were given the template, "My elders are ______,______and________." They did a great job and a few students even came up and told me, "Mr. Allen! I even drew the wrinkles on the face!" Hahaha so cute.

I told my students to write to themselves in the future! They got a big kick out of the idea I asked them what things they want to remind themselves of next year as fourth graders.

I reminded them, "The next time you read these letters, you'll be fourth graders."

A short lesson on perception and styles of art

Many of the kids are left to fend for themselves on the playground and around the village over the summer. So, to help prepare them, we spent a long time talking about how to treat others and what bullying does to the victim and the bully. Students filled two versions of themselves with words. The prompts were, 'When I am nice it fills me with…. and, When I bully it fills me with __________.' I hope they all stay safe this summer.

Today, Mrs. Allen and I made a special home visit to deliver a gift to a very special student. This student had perfect attendance all year. She put her new sweater on immediately, and I hope it will be with her for a while.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

As our year draws to a close, I'm having the students work on some projects that will make them reflect on how they've grown, and what they've learned and experienced this year.

As a morning warm-up activity, I asked the students to describe their favorite memories from third grade.

A few of my kids wrote that our wedding was their favorite memory.  So precious!

The class Christmas party and secret Santa exchange was also very popular.

For this activity, students used adjectives to describe themselves as students.

We used our shortest girl as a stencil.

We used our shortest boy as a stencil.

Boys picked adjectives to describe the girls.

Girls picked adjectives to describe the boys.

The final results were posted outside our class.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Our wedding was truly unique and wonderful. My students were the perfect flower girls and ring bearers. Mrs. Allen was the perfect bride. We will always cherish the memory of our Kipnuk wedding. Thank you to all our friends for the help and wishes on this very special day.
A beautiful wedding cake and table scape courtesy of Ms. Bowen and Ms. Fuller.

The girls were all to excited for their practice run down the isle.

Passing out our paper flowers.

So cute!

The first foreign teacher to be married in the village.

Next up!